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As we are all aware, the Rice in Pigeon Lake has spread substantially over the past few years making the waterway almost impossible to navigate from Grenadier Island to Omemee, ON. The increase in rice has raised concerns with many residents on Pigeon Lake, some of which are stated below.
- Navigation of the water has been drastically restricted.
- Waterfront access and beaches are being restricted.
- Cutting of the Rice to gain waterfront access to our property is causing huge clumps of Rice to gather on the shoreline, which necessitates removal by residents.
- Lakefront properties values are being affected.
- Mechanical Harvesting: This has created other concerns which have far reaching ramifications. An individual is using an airboat with a scoop on the front of the boat to harvest Rice rather than the traditional canoe and paddle method. This method of harvesting is NOT environmentally friendly as;
- The boat is powered by an engine and an aeroplane propeller. The noise level sounds similar to a seaplane taking off but never does. This noise is constant and lasts for hours and happens for the entire harvest.
- Original Rice beds are being damaged as this method of harvesting is breaking down the plants.
- The individual who is harvesting with the airboat launches the boat at the end of Kerry Line Rd and travels approximately 1 1/2 miles north towards Bobcaygeon and south towards Omemee. During his travels he is spreading the seeds collected and seeding parts of the lake which have always been clear of Rice fields. Furthermore, I was recently advised that area lakes have been and are being seeded with thousands of pounds of rice seed. This has resulted in more and more Rice fields developing. The results are obvious and unfortunately, if this type of seeding and havesting continues the lakes we once enjoyed will be non-existent.
Show your support to STOP Mechanical Wild Rice Harvesting: Send an email to