Update re Pigeon lake Wild Rice Management Plan
As you are aware Parks Canada and representatives from the Williams Treaties First Nations have been working on a plan for Wild Rice Management. The objective of the plan is to fulfill the needs of First Nation Harvesters and at the same time ensure unobstructed access to the Waterway for traditional uses we have enjoyed in the past.
They have been meeting regularly over the past months and it has been
acknowledged that they are making progress. However you have probably guessed, that due to these troubling times the talks have been put on hold for the time being.
We have been advised by Parks Canada that they are focused on distilling the discussions that have occurred to date into the format of a plan that they can bring back to the table. Their plan is to resume the meetings with First Nations as soon as feasible once the Government gives the direction to resume normal operations.
I am not optimistic that this will happen in the near future which could result in no Wild Rice Management Plan in place for the growing season this year.. However with today’s technology it could happen?